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آزمون آنلاین
سامانه آزمون آنلاین شاه آزمون
خانه آموزش آنلاین يادگيري 504 لغت - هفته 37 تمرین کلمات 504 واژه

برای استفاده از امکانات آموزشی شاه آزمون، مثل ذخیره آموزش ها، مشاهده همه آموزش ها، جعبه لایتنر و ... ابتدا در يادگيري 504 لغت - هفته 37 ثبت نام کنید و از پنل کاربری شروع به آموزش کنید.

تمرین کلمات 504 واژه

Place one of the new words in each of the blanks below.

1. The exhausted regiment _________ down to a few troops.

2. Secret documents listed the _________ to the large fortune.

3. Iris made a _________ attempt to ignore their biting comments.

4. The _________ of waste materials has polluted our rivers.

5. Charles blundered off in the wrong direction without _________ my warning cries.

6. Lincoln tried in vain to keep the North and South _________.

7. It did not take long before the unruly crowd turned into a mob of howling _________.

8. The confirmed bachelor could not _________ having anyone touch a single utensil in his home.

9. If the _________ does not end soon, I can predict a famine.

10. The population rise will reach its _________ in a few years and then it will level off.

11. Lt. Jenkins lost every morsel of self-respect and became a _________ to his flag.

12. The loyal captain, _________ in defeat, won the sympathy of the people.