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آزمون آنلاین
سامانه آزمون آنلاین شاه آزمون
خانه آموزش آنلاین آموزش آنلاين 504 کلمه انگليسي - هفته 3 تمرین کلمات 504 واژه

برای استفاده از امکانات آموزشی شاه آزمون، مثل ذخیره آموزش ها، مشاهده همه آموزش ها، جعبه لایتنر و ... ابتدا در آموزش آنلاين 504 کلمه انگليسي - هفته 3 ثبت نام کنید و از پنل کاربری شروع به آموزش کنید.

تمرین کلمات 504 واژه

Place one of the new words in each of the blanks below.

The march of Dimes makes it ………… appeal in the early spring.

Oil paints ………… easily to form thousands of different shades.

The ………… passing mark in most schools is 65%.

The producer always had her eye out for young ……….. .

Your gifts do not tempt me and will not ………… me to change my mind.

In the cemetery the corpse was ………… in the bright moonlight.

A ………… day in Florida is full of sunshine and warm breezes.

Let’s ………… a plan for doing away with homework.

Everyone agrees that friendship is ……….. for all of us.

A sharp rise in ……….. prices is bound to affect the prices in our neighborhood stores.

The buffalo, which once roamed the plains, is quite ……….. today.

Government experts told us to buy chicken without realizing how ………… it had become.